September 21, 2021

AI for Predicting Rescidivism -
An ethical perspective

My class on AI and Ethics by Prof. Jason Borenstein and Prof. Justin Biddle helped me reflect critically about using AI for predicting Recidivism in criminals from an ethical and societal lens. As a big AI enthusiast, it is crucial to understand the potential outcomes of implementing AI technologies in the society apriori so as to minimise the unintended consequences later on...

January 09, 2022

COVID19 and Crime Trends

COVID has changed the way we live our lives. Does this grim reality bring out the altruism in people or present newer opportunities for exploitation? We analyse the crime trends for different categories of crime for the state of TamilNadu in India and explain some of the surprising observations. Cultural reasons and lifestyle choices explain many of the observed trends for example in dowry complaints and riots. The work is published in Policing and Society: An international journal of research and policy.